Démonstrateur Calcul de paie (anglais)

Informations about the calculation

Full NamePAY001 Olivier LEBLANC
Date / Time calculation2016-11-05 11:28:54
User namedemo
Begin dateMay 1, 2015
End dateMay 31, 2015
Start of periodMay 1, 2015
Order number1
End date of periodMay 31, 2015
ValideNot set
View payslip (html format)

Payroll elementBegin dateBaseEmployee rateEmployee amountEmployer rateEmployer amount
Base salaryMay 1, 2015 3 000,00
Seniority bonusMay 1, 20153 000,001,00030,00
**** TOTAL GROSS ****May 1, 2015 3 030,00
SS Tot IllnessMay 1, 20153 030,000,750-22,7312,800-387,84
SS Tot Old ageMay 1, 20153 030,000,250-7,581,750-53,03
SS Tot AFMay 1, 20153 030,00 5,250-159,08
SS TA Old ageMay 1, 20153 030,006,800-206,048,450-256,04
SS Tot FNALMay 1, 20153 030,00 0,500-15,15
SS Tot Work AccidentMay 1, 20153 030,00 1,200-36,36
SS Tot Public TransportMay 1, 20153 030,00 0,500-15,15
SS Tot SolidarityMay 1, 20153 030,00 0,300-9,09
SS Deductible CSGMay 1, 20152 976,985,100-151,83
SS CRDSMay 1, 20152 976,980,500-14,88
Unemployment TA TBMay 1, 20153 030,002,400-72,724,000-121,20
AGS TA TBMay 1, 20153 030,00 0,300-9,09
Retirement ARRCO T1May 1, 20153 030,004,480-135,743,050-92,42
CET T1May 1, 20153 030,000,220-6,670,130-3,94
AGFF T1May 1, 20153 030,001,200-36,360,800-24,24
APECMay 1, 20153 030,000,036-1,090,024-0,73
Insurance TAMay 1, 20153 030,000,460-13,940,280-8,48
Death Disability TAMay 1, 20153 030,000,930-28,180,500-15,15
SS Social packageMay 1, 201523,63 20,000-4,73
Apprenticeship TaxMay 1, 20153 030,00 0,680-20,60
Construction TaxMay 1, 20153 030,00 0,450-13,64
Training TaxMay 1, 20153 030,00 1,600-48,48
**** TOTAL NET TAXABLE ****May 1, 2015 2 332,24
SS Non-Deductible CSGMay 1, 20152 976,982,400-71,45
Displaying 1-27 of 27 results.
SliceLegacy ceilingNumber of thirtiethsProrated ceilingTheorical ceilingLow regularizationHigh regularizationReal ceiling
SEPA Bank transfert2 260,79
A-Ceiling3 170,0030,003 170,003 030,00 3 030,00
Displaying 1-2 of 2 results.
AccumulatorsGrossCSG baseA-CeilingEmployee's contributionsEmployer's contributionsNet to be paidNet taxableTotal cost
Period accumulators3 030,002 976,983 030,00-769,21-1 294,442 260,792 332,244 324,44
Monthly accumulators3 030,002 976,983 030,00-769,21-1 294,442 260,792 332,244 324,44
Yearly accumulators3 030,002 976,983 030,00-769,21-1 294,442 260,792 332,244 324,44
Displaying 1-3 of 3 results.
    [id] => 333
    [idpersonne] => 201
    [datdeb] => 2014-04-23
    [numord] => 1
    [taux] => 100.000
    [datfin] => 2021-01-12
    [active] => A
    [entitelegale] => SOC1
    [affectlegal] => ETABL1
    [affectgeog] => SITE1
    [affectanalytique] => COMPTA1
    [emploi] => EMPL1
    [titre] => Accentué utf-8
    [poste] => POSTE1
    [contrat] => CDI
    [contrat2] => RECRUT
    [calendrier] => Standard
    [cycle] => 100
    [regime1] => AATAM
    [regime2] => riri
    [regime3] => CAD
    [regime4] => 100
    [tauxpartiel] => 151.670
    [tauxpresence] => 100.000
    [tauxpaye] => 100.000
    [tauxbudget] => 100.000
    [plan] => CDI_fr_cad_Malakoff
    [caldeb] => 2015-05-01
    [calfin] => 2015-05-31
    [caldebfin] => 2015-05-01 2015-05-31
    [_original] => simple
    [_first] => 1
    [_last] => 1
    [nbjours] => 31
    [nbjoursmax] => 31
    [nbjoursmax1] => 2015-05-01 2015-05-31
    [nbjoursmaxN] => 2015-05-01 2015-05-31
    [duree7] => 31
    [duree6] => 22
    [duree5] => 17
    [joufer] => 4
    [0] => // Janvier 2015 CDI France, cadre, régime général, Malakoff
    [1] => VariablesCinématique
    [2] => LectureDossier
    [3] => ValeursLegales
    [4] => ValeursLegalesPrive
    [5] => ValeursLegalesRetraite
    [6] => ValeursSociété
    [7] => ValeursEtablissement
    [8] => CommandesDates
    [9] => Durées&TauxInitial
    [10] => TauxPériode
    [11] => ChoixProrataCalendaire
    [12] => DuréesPériode
    [13] => PlafondSS
    [14] => CalculsSurDateDuJour
    [15] => CalculsSurDates
    [16] => CalculsSurTextes
    [17] => CalculsavecEval
    [18] => CalculsavecTests
    [19] => CalculsSurAncienneté
    [20] => DroitAnciennete
    [21] => SmicApprenti
    [22] => SalaireBase
    [23] => Primes
    [24] => AbsencesCP
    [25] => AbsencesSS
    [26] => AbsencesEvtFam
    [27] => TranchesSS
    [28] => TranchesCSG
    [29] => CotisationsSS
    [30] => CotisationsMalakoffCad
    [31] => Prévoyance
    [32] => PrévoyanceComplément
    [33] => PrévoyanceMalakoff
    [34] => PrévoyanceMalakoffCad
    [35] => ForfaitSocial
    [36] => Taxes
    [37] => Subrogation
    [38] => GainsNonSoumis
    [39] => DeductionsNonSoumis
    [40] =>
    [0] => Visu_desc = 1
    [1] => Visu_sql = 1
    [2] => Visu_dossier = 0
    [3] => Visu_dossier_Persactiv = 0
    [4] => Visu_data = 1
    [5] => Visu_plan = 1
    [6] => Visu_sequence = 1
    [7] => Visu_calculsequence = 1
    [8] => Visu_inputsequence = 1
    [9] => Visu_cumul = 1
    [10] => Visu_cumulprogressif = 0
    [11] => Ne_Pas_Ecrire_resultats = 0
    [12] => Conserver_zero = 0
    [13] => [Comportements]
    [14] => SalaireBase = Persnum_Salaire_num01
    [15] => SalaireHoraire = Persnum_SalaireHoraire_num01
    [16] => NbHeuresBase = Persactiv_tauxpartiel
    [17] => NbHeuresSupp25 = Persnum_HS25_num01
    [18] => Date_Anciennete_Groupe = Persnum_Anciennete_date01
    [19] => Date_Anciennete_Societe = Persnum_Anciennete_date02
    [20] => Date_Anciennete_Contrat = Persnum_Anciennete_date03
    [21] => BasePrimeVacances =  Persnum_PrimeVacances_montant1
    [22] => Statut_categoriel = Persactiv_regime1
    [23] => Statut_retraite = Persactiv_regime3
    [24] => Statut_urssaf = Persactiv_regime4
    [25] => [Comportements]
    [26] => HoraireMensuel = 151.67
    [27] => SmicHoraire = 9.61
    [28] => SmicHoraireMoins18 = 8.65
    [29] => SmicHoraireMoins17 = 7.69
    [30] => MinimumGaranti = 3.52
    [31] => PlafondSSAnnee = 38040
    [32] => PlafondSSTrimestrel = 9510
    [33] => PlafondSSMois = 3170
    [34] => PlafondSSQuinzaine = 1585
    [35] =>gt; PlafondSSSemaine = 732
    [36] => PlafondSSJour = 174
    [37] => PlafondSSHeure = 24
    [38] => [Comportements]
    [39] => TxSSMaladieToS = 0.75
    [40] => TxSSMaladieToP = 12.80
    [41] => TxSSAllocFamilialesToP = 5.25
    [42] => TxSSVieillesseToS = 0.25
    [43] => TxSSVieillesseToP = 1.75
    [44] => TxSSVieillesseTAS = 6.80
    [45] => TxSSVieillesseTAP = 8.45
    [46] => TxFnalToP = 0.5
    [47] => TxSolidariteToP = 0.3
    [48] => TxForfaitSocialP = 20
    [49] => TxCSGDeductible = 5.1
    [50] => TxCSGNonDeductible = 2.4
    [51] => TxCRDS = 0.5
    [52] => TxAbattementCSG = 1.75
    [53] => TxChomageTabS = 2.4
    [54] => TxChomageTabP = 4
    [55] => TxAGSTabP = 0.3
    [56] => TxApprentissageToP = 0.68
    [57] => TxConstructionLogementToP = 0.45
    [58] => TxFormationToP = 1.6
    [59] => [Comportements]
    [60] => TxArrcoCadT1S = 4.48
    [61] => TxArrcoCadT1P = 3.05
    [62] => TxAgircCadTbS = 12.68
    [63] => TxAgircCadTbP = 7.75
    [64] => TxAgircCadTcS = 12.68
    [65] => TxAgircCadTcP = 7.75
    [66] => TxCetCadT1S = 0.22
    [67] => TxCetCadT1P = 0.13
    [68] => TxCetCadTbS = 0.22
    [69] => TxCetCadTbP = 0.13
    [70] => TxCetCadTcS = 0.22
    [71] => TxCetCadTcP = 0.13
    [72] => TxAgffCadT1S = 1.2
    [73] => TxAgffCadT1P = 0.8
    [74] => TxAgffCadTbS = 1.3
    [75] => TxAgffCadTbP = 0.9
    [76] => TxApecCadToS = 0.036
    [77] => TxApecCadToP = 0.024
    [78] => TxGmpCotiForfaitaire = 66.34
    [79] => GmpSalaireCharniere = 3 453.72
    [80] => [Comportements]
    [81] => [init] Societe_Nom = RATIBOIZ
    [82] => [init] Societe_Adresse = Rue des rats bleus 12345 Parici
    [83] => [init] Societe_Designation = C'est la société 1
    [84] => [init] Societe_Sirene = 123456789
    [85] => Societe_Effectif_Moyen = 19
    [86] => Societe_TVA_sur_Salaire = 0
    [87] => [init] Societe_BIC = xxxx
    [88] => [init] Societe_EBAN = yyyy
    [89] => Societe_DSN = 1
    [90] => [Comportements]
    [91] => [init] Etablissement_Nom = RATIBOIZ
    [92] => [init] Etablissement_Adresse = Rue des rats bleus 12345 Parici
    [93] => [init] Etablissement_Designation = C'est l'établissement 1
    [94] => [init] Etablissement_Sirene = 123456789
    [95] => [init] Etablissement_Societe = SOC1
    [96] => [init] Etablissement_Siret = 12345
    [97] => [init] Etablissement_Naf = 1234
    [98] => [init] Etablissement_Urssaf = Montreuil
    [99] => [init] Etablissement_Cpt_Urssaf = 12345678901234567890
    [100] => [init] Etablissement_Convention_Collective = CC des rateliers
    [101] => [init] Etablissement_Mention = Dans votre intérêt, nous vous incitons à conserver ce bulletin de paie sans limitation de durée
    [102] => PlafondSSUtile = PlafondSSMois
    [103] => TxAccTravailToP = 1.5
    [104] => TxVersTransportToP = 0.5
    [105] => [Comportements]
    [106] => [init] Etablissement_Nom = RATIBOIZ
    [107] => [init] Etablissement_Adresse = Rue des rats bleus 12345 Parici
    [108] => [init] Etablissement_Designation = C'est l'établissement 1
    [109] => [init] Etablissement_Sirene = 123456789
    [110] => [init] Etablissement_Societe = SOC1
    [111] => [init] Etablissement_Siret = 12345
    [112] => [init] Etablissement_Naf = 1234
    [113] => [init] Etablissement_Urssaf = Montreuil
    [114] => [init] Etablissement_Cpt_Urssaf = 12345678901234567890
    [115] => [init] Etablissement_Convention_Collective = CC des rateliers
    [116] => [init] Etablissement_Mention = Dans votre intérêt, nous vous incitons à conserver ce bulletin de paie sans limitation de durée
    [117] => PlafondSSUtile = PlafondSSMois
    [118] => TxAccTravailToP = 1.2
    [119] => TxVersTransportToP = 0.5
    [120] => [Comportements]
    [121] => AnneeActuelle = Calendrier_yyyy
    [122] => MoisActuel = Calendrier_mm
    [123] => NbJoursMoisActuel = Calendrier_duree7
    [124] => NbJoursPayesMoisActuel = Persactiv_nbjours
    [125] => NbJoursPeriodeMax = Persactiv_nbjoursmax
    [126] => PeriodeActuelle = Persactiv_caldebfin
    [127] => PeriodeLaPlusLongue = test(NbJoursPeriodeMax = Persactiv_duree7)
    [128] => PeriodeMaxPremiere = test(PeriodeActuelle = Persactiv_nbjoursmax1)
    [129] => PeriodeMaxDerniere = test(PeriodeActuelle = Persactiv_nbjoursmaxN)
    [130] => Prorata7 = Persactiv_duree7 / Calendrier_duree7
    [131] => Prorata6 = Persactiv_duree6 / Calendrier_duree6
    [132] => Prorata5 = Persactiv_duree5 / Calendrier_duree5
    [133] => NbJoursNonPayesMoisActuel = NbJoursMoisActuel - NbJoursPayesMoisActuel
    [134] => TrentiemesMoisPresence = min(NbJoursPeriodeMax , 30)
    [135] => TrentiemesMoisAbsence = 30 - min(NbJoursNonPayesMoisActuel , 30)
    [136] => TrentiemesMois = max(TrentiemesMoisPresence , TrentiemesMoisAbsence)
    [137] => CorrectionTrentieme31 = test(NbJoursMoisActuel>30)* test(NbJoursPayesMoisActuel>30) * PeriodeLaPlusLongue * PeriodeMaxPremiere * -1
    [138] => CorrectionTrentieme29 = test(NbJoursMoisActuel<30)* test(NbJoursPayesMoisActuel>14) * PeriodeLaPlusLongue * PeriodeMaxPremiere
    [139] => CorrectionTrentieme28 = test(NbJoursMoisActuel<29)* test(NbJoursPayesMoisActuel>14) * PeriodeLaPlusLongue * PeriodeMaxPremiere
    [140] => DureePeriodeEnTrentieme = Persactiv_duree7 + CorrectionTrentieme31 +  CorrectionTrentieme29 +  CorrectionTrentieme28 + CorrectionTrentiemeSaisie
    [141] => Prorata30 = DureePeriodeEnTrentieme / 30
    [142] => TxPayeActivite = Persactiv_taux / 100 * Persactiv_tauxpaye / 100
    [143] => TxPresenceActivite = Persactiv_taux / 100 * Persactiv_tauxpresence / 100
    [144] => TxBudgetActivite = Persactiv_taux / 100 * Persactiv_tauxbudget / 100
    [145] => [Comportements]
    [146] => TxPayePeriodeProrata7 = Prorata7 * TxPayeActivite
    [147] => TxPresencePeriodeProrata7 = Prorata7 * TxPresenceActivite
    [148] => TxBudgetPeriodeProrata7 = Prorata7 * TxBudgetActivite
    [149] => TxPayePeriodeProrata30 =  Prorata30 * TxPayeActivite
    [150] => TxPresencePeriodeProrata30 = Prorata30 * TxPresenceActivite
    [151] => TxBudgetPeriodeProrata30 = Prorata30 * TxBudgetActivite
    [152] => TxPayePeriodeProrata6 = Prorata6 * TxPayeActivite
    [153] => TxPresencePeriodeProrata6 = Prorata6 * TxPresenceActivite
    [154] => TxBudgetPeriodeProrata6 = Prorata6 * TxBudgetActivite
    [155] => TxPayePeriodeProrata5 = Prorata5 * TxPayeActivite
    [156] => TxPresencePeriodeProrata5 = Prorata5 * TxPresenceActivite
    [157] => TxBudgetPeriodeProrata5 = Prorata5 * TxBudgetActivite
    [158] => [Comportements]
    [159] => TauxProtaraPeriode = TxPayePeriodeProrata7
    [160] => TauxProtaraTrentiemesPeriode = TxPayePeriodeProrata30
    [161] => TauxProtaraActivite = TxPayeActivite
    [162] => [Comportements]
    [163] => TotalJoursCalendairesPayes = TxPayeActivite * Persactiv_duree7
    [164] => TotalJoursOuvrablesPayes = TxPayeActivite * Persactiv_duree6
    [165] => TotalJoursOuvresPayes = TxPayeActivite * Persactiv_duree5
    [166] => TotalJoursTrentiemesPayes =  TxPayeActivite * DureePeriodeEnTrentieme
    [167] => [Comportements]
    [168] => PlafondSSProrata7Periode = PlafondSSUtile * TauxProtaraPeriode
    [169] => PlafondSSProrata30Periode = PlafondSSUtile * TauxProtaraTrentiemesPeriode
    [170] => [Comportements]
    [171] => DateduJour= date()
    [172] => [init] command = strlen
    [173] => LngDateduJour3= evalphp(command, DateduJour)
    [174] => AnneeCourante= DateduJour_Y
    [175] => LibMoisCourant= evalphp(datetexte, dateFormatM)
    [176] => MoisCourant= DateduJour_m
    [177] => NbJoursDansLeMois= DateduJour_t
    [178] => DernierJourDuMois = date(DateduJour_Y,DateduJour_m,DateduJour_t)
    [179] => [Comportements]
    [180] => AgePrecis= date(Personne_datenaissance , DateduJour)
    [181] => AgeAnnees=AgePrecis_Y
    [182] => AgeMois= AgePrecis_nbm
    [183] => DateTmp = date()
    [184] => DateTmpPlus8jours = date(DateTmp, 0,0,8)
    [185] => [Comportements]
    [186] => AncGrp = date(Date_Anciennete_Groupe , DernierJourDuMois )
    [187] => AncGroupeMois = AncGrp_nbm
    [188] => [Comportements]
    [189] => PctAnciennete = test( AncGroupeMois > 60 , 5 , AncGroupeMois > 12 , 1 , 0 )
    [190] => [Comportements]
    [191] => SalaireBaseProrata7 = SalaireBase * TauxProtaraPeriode
    [192] => PrimeVacances =  BasePrimeVacances * TauxProtara
    [193] => NbHeuresPayees = NbHeuresBase * TauxProtaraPeriode
    [194] => SalaireHoraireProrata7 = NbHeuresPayees * SalaireHoraire
    [195] => PrimeAnciennete = PctAnciennete * SalaireBaseProrata7 / 100
    [196] => TauxHoraireBase = arrondi((SalaireBase+PrimeAnciennete )/NbHeuresBase,2)
    [197] => NbHeuresSupp25Prorata7 = NbHeuresSupp25 * TauxProtaraActivite
    [198] => HeuresSupp25Prorata7 = NbHeuresSupp25Prorata7 * TauxHoraireBase
    [199] => [Comportements]
    [200] => TrancheSSTaPeriodeTheorique = min( CumulBrutPeriode , PlafondSSProrata30Periode )
    [201] => TrancheSSTbPeriodeTheorique = test( CumulBrutPeriode < PlafondSSProrata30Periode , 0 , CumulBrutPeriode - PlafondSSProrata30Periode )
    [202] => PlafondSSProrataAnnee = CumulPlafondSSProrata30Annee
    [203] => TrancheSSTaPeriode = min( CumulBrutAnnee , PlafondSSProrataAnnee ) - CumulTrancheSSTaAnnee
    [204] => TrancheSSTbPeriode = test( CumulBrutAnnee < PlafondSSProrataAnnee , 0 , CumulBrutAnnee - PlafondSSProrataAnnee ) - CumulTrancheSSTbAnnee
    [205] => TrancheSSTabPeriode = TrancheSSTaPeriode + TrancheSSTbPeriode
    [206] => RegulTaTb = TrancheSSTaPeriodeTheorique - TrancheSSTaPeriode
    [207] => RegulTbTa = - RegulTaTb
    [208] => RegulTbTc = TrancheSSTbPeriodeTheorique - TrancheSSTbPeriode - RegulTbTa
    [209] => RegulTcTb = - RegulTbTc
    [210] => [Comportements]
    [211] => PlafondCSG = 4 * PlafondSSProrataAnnee
    [212] => BrutCSGExonerable = CumulBrutAnnee - CumulBrutCSGNonExoAnnee
    [213] => BrutCSGExonere = min( BrutCSGExonerable , PlafondCSG )
    [214] => BrutCSGNonExonere = CumulBrutAnnee - BrutCSGExonere
    [215] => TxNonAbattementCSG = 100 - TxAbattementCSG
    [216] => BrutCSGPeriode = BrutCSGExonere * TxNonAbattementCSG / 100 + BrutCSGNonExonere - CumulBrutCSGAnnee
    [217] => [Comportements]
    [218] => CotiSSMaladieToS = - CumulBrutPeriode * TxSSMaladieToS / 100
    [219] => CotiSSMaladieToP = - CumulBrutPeriode * TxSSMaladieToP / 100
    [220] => CotiSSAllocFamilialesToP = - CumulBrutPeriode * TxSSAllocFamilialesToP / 100
    [221] => CotiSSVieillesseToS = - CumulBrutPeriode * TxSSVieillesseToS / 100
    [222] => CotiSSVieillesseToP = - CumulBrutPeriode * TxSSVieillesseToP / 100
    [223] => CotiSSVieillesseTAS = - TrancheSSTaPeriode * TxSSVieillesseTAS / 100
    [224] => CotiSSVieillesseTAP = - TrancheSSTaPeriode * TxSSVieillesseTAP / 100
    [225] => CotiFnalToP = - CumulBrutPeriode * TxFnalToP / 100
    [226] => CotiSolidariteToP = - CumulBrutPeriode * TxSolidariteToP / 100
    [227] => CotiAccTravailToP = - CumulBrutPeriode * TxAccTravailToP / 100
    [228] => CotiVersTransportToP = - CumulBrutPeriode * TxVersTransportToP / 100
    [229] => CotiCSGDeductible = - BrutCSGPeriode * TxCSGDeductible / 100
    [230] => CotiCSGNonDeductible = - BrutCSGPeriode * TxCSGNonDeductible / 100
    [231] => CotiCRDS = - BrutCSGPeriode * TxCRDS / 100
    [232] => CotiChomageTabS = - TrancheSSTabPeriode * TxChomageTabS / 100
    [233] => CotiChomageTabP = - TrancheSSTabPeriode * TxChomageTabP / 100
    [234] => CotiAGSTabP = - TrancheSSTabPeriode * TxAGSTabP / 100
    [235] => [Comportements]
    [236] => CotiArrcoCadT1S = - TrancheSSTaPeriode * TxArrcoCadT1S / 100
    [237] => CotiArrcoCadT1P = - TrancheSSTaPeriode * TxArrcoCadT1P / 100
    [238] => CotiAgircCadTbS = - TrancheSSTbPeriode * TxAgircCadTbS / 100
    [239] => CotiAgircCadTbP = - TrancheSSTbPeriode * TxAgircCadTbS / 100
    [240] => CotiAgircCadTcS = - TrancheSSTcPeriode * TxAgircCadTcS / 100
    [241] => CotiAgircCadTcP = - TrancheSSTcPeriode * TxAgircCadTcP / 100
    [242] => CotiCetCadT1S = - TrancheSSTaPeriode * TxCetCadT1S / 100
    [243] => CotiCetCadT1P = - TrancheSSTaPeriode * TxCetCadT1P / 100
    [244] => CotiCetCadTbS = - TrancheSSTbPeriode * TxCetCadTbS / 100
    [245] => CotiCetCadTbP = - TrancheSSTbPeriode * TxCetCadTbP / 100
    [246] => CotiCetCadTcS = - TrancheSSTcPeriode * TxCetCadTcS / 100
    [247] => CotiCetCadTcP = - TrancheSSTcPeriode * TxCetCadTcP / 100
    [248] => CotiAgffCadT1S = - TrancheSSTaPeriode * TxAgffCadT1S / 100
    [249] => CotiAgffCadT1P = - TrancheSSTaPeriode * TxAgffCadT1P / 100
    [250] => CotiAgffCadTbS = - TrancheSSTbPeriode * TxAgffCadTbS / 100
    [251] => CotiAgffCadTbP = - TrancheSSTbPeriode * TxAgffCadTbP / 100
    [252] => CotiApecCadToS = - CumulBrutPeriode * TxApecCadToS / 100
    [253] => CotiApecCadToP = - CumulBrutPeriode * TxApecCadToP / 100
    [254] => [Comportements]
    [255] => TxPrevoyanceTaS = 0.46
    [256] => TxPrevoyanceTaP = 0.28
    [257] => TxPrevoyanceTbS = 0.70
    [258] => TxPrevoyanceTbP = 0.43
    [259] => TxPrevoyanceTcS = 0.70
    [260] => TxPrevoyanceTcP = 0.43
    [261] => [Comportements]
    [262] => TxDecesIncapCadTaS = 0.93
    [263] => TxDecesIncapCadTaP = 0.50
    [264] => TxDecesIncapCadTbS = 0.70
    [265] => TxDecesIncapCadTbP = 0.43
    [266] => TxDecesIncapCadTcS = 0.70
    [267] => TxDecesIncapCadTcP = 0.43
    [268] => [Comportements]
    [269] => CotiPrevoyanceTaS = - TrancheSSTaPeriode * TxPrevoyanceTaS / 100
    [270] => CotiPrevoyanceTaP = - TrancheSSTaPeriode * TxPrevoyanceTaP / 100
    [271] => CotiPrevoyanceTbS = - TrancheSSTbPeriode * TxPrevoyanceTbS / 100
    [272] => CotiPrevoyanceTbP = - TrancheSSTbPeriode * TxPrevoyanceTbS / 100
    [273] => CotiPrevoyanceTcS = - TrancheSSTcPeriode * TxPrevoyanceTcS / 100
    [274] => CotiPrevoyanceTcP = - TrancheSSTcPeriode * TxPrevoyanceTcP / 100
    [275] => [Comportements]
    [276] => CotiDecesIncapCadTaS = - TrancheSSTaPeriode * TxDecesIncapCadTaS / 100
    [277] => CotiDecesIncapCadTaP = - TrancheSSTaPeriode * TxDecesIncapCadTaP / 100
    [278] => CotiDecesIncapCadTbS = - TrancheSSTbPeriode * TxDecesIncapCadTbS / 100
    [279] => CotiDecesIncapCadTbP = - TrancheSSTbPeriode * TxDecesIncapCadTbS / 100
    [280] => CotiDecesIncapCadTcS = - TrancheSSTcPeriode * TxDecesIncapCadTcS / 100
    [281] => CotiDecesIncapCadTcP = - TrancheSSTcPeriode * TxDecesIncapCadTcP / 100
    [282] => [Comportements]
    [283] => CotiForfaitSocialP = - CumulForfaitSocialPeriode * TxForfaitSocialP / 100
    [284] => [Comportements]
    [285] => CotiApprentissageToP = - CumulBrutPeriode * TxApprentissageToP / 100
    [286] => CotiConstructionLogementToP = - CumulBrutPeriode * TxConstructionLogementToP / 100
    [287] => CotiFormationToP = - CumulBrutPeriode * TxFormationToP / 100
    [288] => [Comportements]
Input Sequence
    [0] =>
    [Calendrier_client] => DEMO
    [Calendrier_code] => Standard
    [Calendrier_yyyymm] => 201505
    [Calendrier_description] => Mai 2015
    [Calendrier_yyyy] => 2015
    [Calendrier_mm] => 5
    [Calendrier_libmmyyyy] => Mai 2015
    [Calendrier_libmm] => Mai
    [Calendrier_datdeb] => 2015-05-01
    [Calendrier_datfin] => 2015-05-31
    [Calendrier_numjour] => 121
    [Calendrier_duree7] => 31
    [Calendrier_duree6] => 22
    [Calendrier_duree5] => 17
    [Calendrier_joufer] => 4
    [Calendrier_tscreation] => 2015-01-01 00:00:00
    [Calendrier_idusercreation] => 2
    [Calendrier_caldeb] => 2015-05-01
    [Calendrier_calfin] => 2015-05-31
    [Calendrier_Count] => 1
    [Personne_persid] => PAY001
    [Personne_client] => DEMO
    [Personne_nomusuel] => LEBLANC
    [Personne_prenom] => Olivier
    [Personne_sexe] => M
    [Personne_civilite] => M
    [Personne_datenaissance] => 1986-05-05
    [Personne_paysnaissance] => FR
    [Personne_Count] => 1
    [Persactiv_datdeb] => 2014-04-23
    [Persactiv_numord] => 1
    [Persactiv_taux] => 100
    [Persactiv_datfin] => 2021-01-12
    [Persactiv_entitelegale] => SOC1
    [Persactiv_affectlegal] => ETABL1
    [Persactiv_affectgeog] => SITE1
    [Persactiv_affectanalytique] => COMPTA1
    [Persactiv_emploi] => EMPL1
    [Persactiv_titre] => Accentué utf-8
    [Persactiv_poste] => POSTE1
    [Persactiv_contrat] => CDI
    [Persactiv_contrat2] => RECRUT
    [Persactiv_calendrier] => Standard
    [Persactiv_cycle] => 100
    [Persactiv_regime1] => AATAM
    [Persactiv_regime2] => riri
    [Persactiv_regime3] => CAD
    [Persactiv_regime4] => 100
    [Persactiv_tauxpartiel] => 151.67
    [Persactiv_tauxpresence] => 100
    [Persactiv_tauxpaye] => 100
    [Persactiv_tauxbudget] => 100
    [Persactiv_plan] => CDI_fr_cad_Malakoff
    [Persactiv_caldeb] => 2015-05-01
    [Persactiv_calfin] => 2015-05-31
    [Persactiv_caldebfin] => 2015-05-01 2015-05-31
    [Persactiv__original] => simple
    [Persactiv__first] => 1
    [Persactiv__last] => 1
    [Persactiv_nbjours] => 31
    [Persactiv_nbjoursmax] => 31
    [Persactiv_nbjoursmax1] => 2015-05-01 2015-05-31
    [Persactiv_nbjoursmaxN] => 2015-05-01 2015-05-31
    [Persactiv_duree7] => 31
    [Persactiv_duree6] => 22
    [Persactiv_duree5] => 17
    [Persactiv_joufer] => 4
    [Persactiv_Count] => 1
    [Persnum_Anciennete_datdeb] => 2015-04-17
    [Persnum_Anciennete_num01] => -1.12
    [Persnum_Anciennete_num02] => -1.123
    [Persnum_Anciennete_num03] => 1.12
    [Persnum_Anciennete_num04] => 3.457
    [Persnum_Anciennete_caldeb] => 2015-05-01
    [Persnum_Anciennete_calfin] => 2015-05-31
    [Persnum_Anciennete_date01] => 2014-04-24
    [Persnum_Anciennete_date02] => 2004-04-12
    [Persnum_Salaire_datdeb] => 2013-01-01
    [Persnum_Salaire_datfin] => 2015-12-31
    [Persnum_Salaire_num01] => 3000
    [Persnum_Salaire_caldeb] => 2015-05-01
    [Persnum_Salaire_calfin] => 2015-05-31
    [Persnum_Count] => 7
    [Perssepa_typecpt] => SEPA
    [Perssepa_datdeb] => 2013-01-01
    [Perssepa_eban] => FR7611111222223333333333344
    [Perssepa_bic] => AAADDFFRRDE
    [Perssepa_caldeb] => 2015-05-01
    [Perssepa_calfin] => 2015-05-31
    [Perssepa_Count] => 1
    [Persadresse_typeadr] => Domicile
    [Persadresse_datdeb] => 2014-01-01
    [Persadresse_voie] => Rue des mosaïques
    [Persadresse_codepostal] => 22310
    [Persadresse_localite] => Plestin-les-Grèves
    [Persadresse_codepays] => FR
    [Persadresse_caldeb] => 2015-05-01
    [Persadresse_calfin] => 2015-05-31
    [Persadresse_Count] => 2
    [SalaireBase] => 3000
    [NbHeuresBase] => 151.67
    [Date_Anciennete_Groupe] => 2014-04-24
    [Date_Anciennete_Societe] => 2004-04-12
    [Statut_categoriel] => AATAM
    [Statut_retraite] => CAD
    [Statut_urssaf] => 100
    [HoraireMensuel] => 151.67
    [SmicHoraire] => 9.61
    [SmicHoraireMoins18] => 8.65
    [SmicHoraireMoins17] => 7.69
    [MinimumGaranti] => 3.52
    [PlafondSSAnnee] => 38040
    [PlafondSSTrimestrel] => 9510
    [PlafondSSMois] => 3170
    [PlafondSSQuinzaine] => 1585
    [PlafondSSSemaine] => 732
    [PlafondSSJour] => 174
    [PlafondSSHeure] => 24
    [TxSSMaladieToS] => 0.75
    [TxSSMaladieToP] => 12.8
    [TxSSAllocFamilialesToP] => 5.25
    [TxSSVieillesseToS] => 0.25
    [TxSSVieillesseToP] => 1.75
    [TxSSVieillesseTAS] => 6.8
    [TxSSVieillesseTAP] => 8.45
    [TxFnalToP] => 0.5
    [TxSolidariteToP] => 0.3
    [TxForfaitSocialP] => 20
    [TxCSGDeductible] => 5.1
    [TxCSGNonDeductible] => 2.4
    [TxCRDS] => 0.5
    [TxAbattementCSG] => 1.75
    [TxChomageTabS] => 2.4
    [TxChomageTabP] => 4
    [TxAGSTabP] => 0.3
    [TxApprentissageToP] => 0.68
    [TxConstructionLogementToP] => 0.45
    [TxFormationToP] => 1.6
    [TxArrcoCadT1S] => 4.48
    [TxArrcoCadT1P] => 3.05
    [TxAgircCadTbS] => 12.68
    [TxAgircCadTbP] => 7.75
    [TxAgircCadTcS] => 12.68
    [TxAgircCadTcP] => 7.75
    [TxCetCadT1S] => 0.22
    [TxCetCadT1P] => 0.13
    [TxCetCadTbS] => 0.22
    [TxCetCadTbP] => 0.13
    [TxCetCadTcS] => 0.22
    [TxCetCadTcP] => 0.13
    [TxAgffCadT1S] => 1.2
    [TxAgffCadT1P] => 0.8
    [TxAgffCadTbS] => 1.3
    [TxAgffCadTbP] => 0.9
    [TxApecCadToS] => 0.036
    [TxApecCadToP] => 0.024
    [TxGmpCotiForfaitaire] => 66.34
    [GmpSalaireCharniere] => 1361.16
    [Societe_Nom] => RATIBOIZ
    [Societe_Adresse] => Rue des rats bleus 12345 Parici
    [Societe_Designation] => C'est la société 1
    [Societe_Sirene] => 123456789
    [Societe_Effectif_Moyen] => 19
    [Societe_BIC] => xxxx
    [Societe_EBAN] => yyyy
    [Societe_DSN] => 1
    [Etablissement_Nom] => RATIBOIZ
    [Etablissement_Adresse] => Rue des rats bleus 12345 Parici
    [Etablissement_Designation] => C'est l'établissement 1
    [Etablissement_Sirene] => 123456789
    [Etablissement_Societe] => SOC1
    [Etablissement_Siret] => 12345
    [Etablissement_Naf] => 1234
    [Etablissement_Urssaf] => Montreuil
    [Etablissement_Cpt_Urssaf] => 12345678901234567890
    [Etablissement_Convention_Collective] => CC des rateliers
    [Etablissement_Mention] => Dans votre intérêt, nous vous incitons à conserver ce bulletin de paie sans limitation de durée
    [PlafondSSUtile] => 3170
    [TxAccTravailToP] => 1.2
    [TxVersTransportToP] => 0.5
    [AnneeActuelle] => 2015
    [MoisActuel] => 5
    [NbJoursMoisActuel] => 31
    [NbJoursPayesMoisActuel] => 31
    [NbJoursPeriodeMax] => 31
    [PeriodeActuelle] => 2015-05-01 2015-05-31
    [PeriodeLaPlusLongue] => 1
    [PeriodeMaxPremiere] => 1
    [PeriodeMaxDerniere] => 1
    [Prorata7] => 1
    [Prorata6] => 1
    [Prorata5] => 1
    [TrentiemesMoisPresence] => 30
    [TrentiemesMoisAbsence] => 30
    [TrentiemesMois] => 30
    [CorrectionTrentieme31] => -1
    [DureePeriodeEnTrentieme] => 30
    [Prorata30] => 1
    [TxPayeActivite] => 1
    [TxPresenceActivite] => 1
    [TxBudgetActivite] => 1
    [TxPayePeriodeProrata7] => 1
    [TxPresencePeriodeProrata7] => 1
    [TxBudgetPeriodeProrata7] => 1
    [TxPayePeriodeProrata30] => 1
    [TxPresencePeriodeProrata30] => 1
    [TxBudgetPeriodeProrata30] => 1
    [TauxProtaraPeriode] => 1
    [TauxProtaraTrentiemesPeriode] => 1
    [TauxProtaraActivite] => 1
    [TotalJoursCalendairesPayes] => 31
    [TotalJoursOuvrablesPayes] => 22
    [TotalJoursOuvresPayes] => 17
    [TotalJoursTrentiemesPayes] => 30
    [PlafondSSProrata7Periode] => 3170
    [PlafondSSProrata30Periode] => 3170
    [DateduJour] => 2016-11-05
    [command] => strlen
    [LngDateduJour3] => *** erreur : fonction non autorisee ***
    [DateduJour_Y] => 2016
    [AnneeCourante] => 2016
    [LibMoisCourant] => *** erreur : fonction non autorisee ***
    [DateduJour_m] => 11
    [MoisCourant] => 11
    [DateduJour_t] => 30
    [NbJoursDansLeMois] => 30
    [DernierJourDuMois] => 2016-11-30
    [AgePrecis_Ymd1] => 1986-05-05
    [AgePrecis_Ymd2] => 2016-11-05
    [AgePrecis_Y] => 30
    [AgeAnnees] => 30
    [AgePrecis_nbm] => 366
    [AgeMois] => 366
    [DateTmp] => 2016-11-05
    [DateTmpPlus8jours] => 2016-11-13
    [AncGrp_Ymd1] => 2014-04-24
    [AncGrp_Ymd2] => 2016-11-30
    [AncGrp_nbm] => 31
    [AncGroupeMois] => 31
    [PctAnciennete] => 1
    [SalaireBaseProrata7] => 3000
    [NbHeuresPayees] => 151.67
    [PrimeAnciennete] => 30
    [TauxHoraireBase] => 19.98
    [TrancheSSTaPeriodeTheorique] => 3030
    [PlafondSSProrataAnnee] => 3170
    [TrancheSSTaPeriode] => 3030
    [TrancheSSTabPeriode] => 3030
    [PlafondCSG] => 12680
    [BrutCSGExonerable] => 3030
    [BrutCSGExonere] => 3030
    [TxNonAbattementCSG] => 98.25
    [BrutCSGPeriode] => 2976.98
    [CotiSSMaladieToS] => -22.73
    [CotiSSMaladieToP] => -387.84
    [CotiSSAllocFamilialesToP] => -159.08
    [CotiSSVieillesseToS] => -7.58
    [CotiSSVieillesseToP] => -53.03
    [CotiSSVieillesseTAS] => -206.04
    [CotiSSVieillesseTAP] => -256.04
    [CotiFnalToP] => -15.15
    [CotiSolidariteToP] => -9.09
    [CotiAccTravailToP] => -36.36
    [CotiVersTransportToP] => -15.15
    [CotiCSGDeductible] => -151.83
    [CotiCSGNonDeductible] => -71.45
    [CotiCRDS] => -14.88
    [CotiChomageTabS] => -72.72
    [CotiChomageTabP] => -121.2
    [CotiAGSTabP] => -9.09
    [CotiArrcoCadT1S] => -135.74
    [CotiArrcoCadT1P] => -92.42
    [CotiCetCadT1S] => -6.67
    [CotiCetCadT1P] => -3.94
    [CotiAgffCadT1S] => -36.36
    [CotiAgffCadT1P] => -24.24
    [CotiApecCadToS] => -1.09
    [CotiApecCadToP] => -0.73
    [TxPrevoyanceTaS] => 0.46
    [TxPrevoyanceTaP] => 0.28
    [TxPrevoyanceTbS] => 0.7
    [TxPrevoyanceTbP] => 0.43
    [TxPrevoyanceTcS] => 0.7
    [TxPrevoyanceTcP] => 0.43
    [TxDecesIncapCadTaS] => 0.93
    [TxDecesIncapCadTaP] => 0.5
    [TxDecesIncapCadTbS] => 0.7
    [TxDecesIncapCadTbP] => 0.43
    [TxDecesIncapCadTcS] => 0.7
    [TxDecesIncapCadTcP] => 0.43
    [CotiPrevoyanceTaS] => -13.94
    [CotiPrevoyanceTaP] => -8.48
    [CotiDecesIncapCadTaS] => -28.18
    [CotiDecesIncapCadTaP] => -15.15
    [CotiForfaitSocialP] => -4.73
    [CotiApprentissageToP] => -20.6
    [CotiConstructionLogementToP] => -13.64
    [CotiFormationToP] => -48.48
    [NombreDePeriodesCalculees] => 1
    [CumulJoursCalendairesPayesMois] => 31
    [CumulJoursTrentiemesPayesMois] => 30
    [CumulPlafondSSProrata7Periode] => 3170
    [CumulPlafondSSProrata30Periode] => 3170
    [CumulPlafondSSProrata7Mois] => 3170
    [CumulPlafondSSProrata30Mois] => 3170
    [CumulPlafondSSProrata7Annee] => 3170
    [CumulPlafondSSProrata30Annee] => 3170
    [CumulHeuresPayeesMois] => 151.67
    [CumulBrutPeriode] => 3030
    [CumulBrutMois] => 3030
    [CumulBrutAnnee] => 3030
    [CumulTrancheSSTaMois] => 3030
    [CumulTrancheSSTaAnnee] => 3030
    [CumulBrutCSGPeriode] => 2976.98
    [CumulBrutCSGMois] => 2976.98
    [CumulBrutCSGAnnee] => 2976.98
    [CumulCotiSSSalPeriode] => -547.23
    [CumulCotiSSSalMois] => -547.23
    [CumulCotiSSSalAnnee] => -547.23
    [CumulCotiRetraiteSalPeriode] => -179.86
    [CumulCotiRetraitePatPeriode] => -121.33
    [CumulCotiRetraiteSalMois] => -179.86
    [CumulCotiRetraitePatMois] => -121.33
    [OrganismeRetraitePeriode] => -301.19
    [CumulCotiRetraiteSalAnnee] => -179.86
    [CumulCotiRetraitePatAnnee] => -121.33
    [OrganismeRetraiteMois] => -301.19
    [OrganismeRetraiteAnnee] => -301.19
    [CumulCotiPrevoyanceSalPeriode] => -42.12
    [CumulCotiPrevoyancePatPeriode] => -23.63
    [CumulCotiPrevoyanceSalMois] => -42.12
    [CumulCotiSalPeriode] => -769.21
    [CumulNetPayerPeriode] => 2260.79
    [CumulCotiPrevoyancePatMois] => -23.63
    [OrganismePrevoyancePeriode] => -65.75
    [CumulCotiPrevoyanceSalAnnee] => -42.12
    [CumulCotiSalMois] => -769.21
    [CumulNetFiscalPeriode] => 2332.24
    [CumulNetPayerMois] => 2260.79
    [CumulCotiPrevoyancePatAnnee] => -23.63
    [CumulForfaitSocialPeriode] => 23.63
    [OrganismePrevoyanceMois] => -65.75
    [CumulCotiSalAnnee] => -769.21
    [CumulNetFiscalMois] => 2332.24
    [CumulNetPayerAnnee] => 2260.79
    [OrganismePrevoyanceAnnee] => -65.75
    [CumulNetFiscalAnnee] => 2332.24
    [CumulCotiSSPatPeriode] => -1066.76
    [CumulCotiSSPatMois] => -1066.76
    [OrganismeSSPeriode] => -1613.99
    [CumulCotiSSPatAnnee] => -1066.76
    [OrganismeSSMois] => -1613.99
    [OrganismeSSAnnee] => -1613.99
    [CumulTaxesPeriode] => -82.72
    [OrganismesPeriode] => -2063.65
    [CumulCotiPatPeriode] => -1294.44
    [CumulTaxesMois] => -82.72
    [CoutTotalPeriode] => 4324.44
    [OrganismesMois] => -2063.65
    [CumulCotiPatMois] => -1294.44
    [CumulTaxesAnnee] => -82.72
    [CoutTotalMois] => 4324.44
    [OrganismesAnnee] => -2063.65
    [CumulCotiPatAnnee] => -1294.44
    [CoutTotalAnnee] => 4324.44