Démonstrateur Calcul de paie (anglais)

Informations about the calculation

Full NamePAY001 Olivier LEBLANC
Date / Time calculation2016-11-05 11:28:54
User namedemo
Begin dateMay 1, 2015
End dateMay 31, 2015
Start of periodMay 1, 2015
Order number1
End date of periodMay 31, 2015
ValideNot set
View payslip (html format)

Payroll elementBegin dateBaseEmployee rateEmployee amountEmployer rateEmployer amount
Base salaryMay 1, 2015 3 000,00
Seniority bonusMay 1, 20153 000,001,00030,00
**** TOTAL GROSS ****May 1, 2015 3 030,00
SS Tot IllnessMay 1, 20153 030,000,750-22,7312,800-387,84
SS Tot Old ageMay 1, 20153 030,000,250-7,581,750-53,03
SS Tot AFMay 1, 20153 030,00 5,250-159,08
SS TA Old ageMay 1, 20153 030,006,800-206,048,450-256,04
SS Tot FNALMay 1, 20153 030,00 0,500-15,15
SS Tot Work AccidentMay 1, 20153 030,00 1,200-36,36
SS Tot Public TransportMay 1, 20153 030,00 0,500-15,15
SS Tot SolidarityMay 1, 20153 030,00 0,300-9,09
SS Deductible CSGMay 1, 20152 976,985,100-151,83
SS CRDSMay 1, 20152 976,980,500-14,88
Unemployment TA TBMay 1, 20153 030,002,400-72,724,000-121,20
AGS TA TBMay 1, 20153 030,00 0,300-9,09
Retirement ARRCO T1May 1, 20153 030,004,480-135,743,050-92,42
CET T1May 1, 20153 030,000,220-6,670,130-3,94
AGFF T1May 1, 20153 030,001,200-36,360,800-24,24
APECMay 1, 20153 030,000,036-1,090,024-0,73
Insurance TAMay 1, 20153 030,000,460-13,940,280-8,48
Death Disability TAMay 1, 20153 030,000,930-28,180,500-15,15
SS Social packageMay 1, 201523,63 20,000-4,73
Apprenticeship TaxMay 1, 20153 030,00 0,680-20,60
Construction TaxMay 1, 20153 030,00 0,450-13,64
Training TaxMay 1, 20153 030,00 1,600-48,48
**** TOTAL NET TAXABLE ****May 1, 2015 2 332,24
SS Non-Deductible CSGMay 1, 20152 976,982,400-71,45
Displaying 1-27 of 27 results.
SliceLegacy ceilingNumber of thirtiethsProrated ceilingTheorical ceilingLow regularizationHigh regularizationReal ceiling
A-Ceiling3 170,0030,003 170,003 030,00 3 030,00
Displaying 1-1 of 1 result.
AccumulatorsGrossCSG baseA-CeilingEmployee's contributionsEmployer's contributionsNet to be paidNet taxableTotal cost
Period accumulators3 030,002 976,983 030,00-769,21-1 294,442 260,792 332,244 324,44
Monthly accumulators3 030,002 976,983 030,00-769,21-1 294,442 260,792 332,244 324,44
Yearly accumulators3 030,002 976,983 030,00-769,21-1 294,442 260,792 332,244 324,44
Displaying 1-3 of 3 results.
    id => 333
    idpersonne => 201
    datdeb => 2014-04-23
    numord => 1
    taux => 100.000
    datfin => 2021-01-12
    active => A
    entitelegale => SOC1
    affectlegal => ETABL1
    affectgeog => SITE1
    affectanalytique => COMPTA1
    emploi => EMPL1
    titre => Accentué utf-8
    poste => POSTE1
    contrat => CDI
    contrat2 => RECRUT
    calendrier => Standard
    cycle => 100
    regime1 => AATAM
    regime2 => riri
    regime3 => CAD
    regime4 => 100
    tauxpartiel => 151.670
    tauxpresence => 100.000
    tauxpaye => 100.000
    tauxbudget => 100.000
    plan => CDI_fr_cad_Malakoff
    caldeb => 2015-05-01
    calfin => 2015-05-31
    caldebfin => 2015-05-01 2015-05-31
    _original => simple
    _first => 1
    _last => 1
    nbjours => 31
    nbjoursmax => 31
    nbjoursmax1 => 2015-05-01 2015-05-31
    nbjoursmaxN => 2015-05-01 2015-05-31
    duree7 => 31
    duree6 => 22
    duree5 => 17
    joufer => 4
    0 => // Janvier 2015 CDI France, cadre, régime général, Malakoff
    1 => VariablesCinématique
    2 => LectureDossier
    3 => ValeursLegales
    4 => ValeursLegalesPrive
    5 => ValeursLegalesRetraite
    6 => ValeursSociété
    7 => ValeursEtablissement
    8 => CommandesDates
    9 => Durées&TauxInitial
    10 => TauxPériode
    11 => ChoixProrataCalendaire
    12 => DuréesPériode
    13 => PlafondSS
    14 => CalculsSurDateDuJour
    15 => CalculsSurDates
    16 => CalculsSurTextes
    17 => CalculsavecEval
    18 => CalculsavecTests
    19 => CalculsSurAncienneté
    20 => DroitAnciennete
    21 => SmicApprenti
    22 => SalaireBase
    23 => Primes
    24 => AbsencesCP
    25 => AbsencesSS
    26 => AbsencesEvtFam
    27 => TranchesSS
    28 => TranchesCSG
    29 => CotisationsSS
    30 => CotisationsMalakoffCad
    31 => Prévoyance
    32 => PrévoyanceComplément
    33 => PrévoyanceMalakoff
    34 => PrévoyanceMalakoffCad
    35 => ForfaitSocial
    36 => Taxes
    37 => Subrogation
    38 => GainsNonSoumis
    39 => DeductionsNonSoumis
    0 => Visu_desc = 1
    1 => Visu_sql = 1
    2 => Visu_dossier = 0
    3 => Visu_dossier_Persactiv = 0
    4 => Visu_data = 1
    5 => Visu_plan = 1
    6 => Visu_sequence = 1
    7 => Visu_calculsequence = 1
    8 => Visu_inputsequence = 1
    9 => Visu_cumul = 1
    10 => Visu_cumulprogressif = 0
    11 => Ne_Pas_Ecrire_resultats = 0
    12 => Conserver_zero = 0
    13 => [Comportements]
    14 => SalaireBase = Persnum_Salaire_num01
    15 => SalaireHoraire = Persnum_SalaireHoraire_num01
    16 => NbHeuresBase = Persactiv_tauxpartiel
    17 => NbHeuresSupp25 = Persnum_HS25_num01
    18 => Date_Anciennete_Groupe = Persnum_Anciennete_date01
    19 => Date_Anciennete_Societe = Persnum_Anciennete_date02
    20 => Date_Anciennete_Contrat = Persnum_Anciennete_date03
    21 => BasePrimeVacances =  Persnum_PrimeVacances_montant1
    22 => Statut_categoriel = Persactiv_regime1
    23 => Statut_retraite = Persactiv_regime3
    24 => Statut_urssaf = Persactiv_regime4
    25 => [Comportements]
    26 => HoraireMensuel = 151.67
    27 => SmicHoraire = 9.61
    28 => SmicHoraireMoins18 = 8.65
    29 => SmicHoraireMoins17 = 7.69
    30 => MinimumGaranti = 3.52
    31 => PlafondSSAnnee = 38040
    32 => PlafondSSTrimestrel = 9510
    33 => PlafondSSMois = 3170
    34 => PlafondSSQuinzaine = 1585
    35 => PlafondSSSemaine = 732
    36 => PlafondSSJour = 174
    37 => PlafondSSHeure = 24
    38 => [Comportements]
    39 => TxSSMaladieToS = 0.75
    40 => TxSSMaladieToP = 12.80
    41 => TxSSAllocFamilialesToP = 5.25
    42 => TxSSVieillesseToS = 0.25
    43 => TxSSVieillesseToP = 1.75
    44 => TxSSVieillesseTAS = 6.80
    45 => TxSSVieillesseTAP = 8.45
    46 => TxFnalToP = 0.5
    47 => TxSolidariteToP = 0.3
    48 => TxForfaitSocialP = 20
    49 => TxCSGDeductible = 5.1
    50 => TxCSGNonDeductible = 2.4
    51 => TxCRDS = 0.5
    52 => TxAbattementCSG = 1.75
    53 => TxChomageTabS = 2.4
    54 => TxChomageTabP = 4
    55 => TxAGSTabP = 0.3
    56 => TxApprentissageToP = 0.68
    57 => TxConstructionLogementToP = 0.45
    58 => TxFormationToP = 1.6
    59 => [Comportements]
    60 => TxArrcoCadT1S = 4.48
    61 => TxArrcoCadT1P = 3.05
    62 => TxAgircCadTbS = 12.68
    63 => TxAgircCadTbP = 7.75
    64 => TxAgircCadTcS = 12.68
    65 => TxAgircCadTcP = 7.75
    66 => TxCetCadT1S = 0.22
    67 => TxCetCadT1P = 0.13
    68 => TxCetCadTbS = 0.22
    69 => TxCetCadTbP = 0.13
    70 => TxCetCadTcS = 0.22
    71 => TxCetCadTcP = 0.13
    72 => TxAgffCadT1S = 1.2
    73 => TxAgffCadT1P = 0.8
    74 => TxAgffCadTbS = 1.3
    75 => TxAgffCadTbP = 0.9
    76 => TxApecCadToS = 0.036
    77 => TxApecCadToP = 0.024
    78 => TxGmpCotiForfaitaire = 66.34
    79 => GmpSalaireCharniere = 3 453.72
    80 => [Comportements]
    81 => [init] Societe_Nom = RATIBOIZ
    82 => [init] Societe_Adresse = Rue des rats bleus 12345 Parici
    83 => [init] Societe_Designation = C'est la société 1
    84 => [init] Societe_Sirene = 123456789
    85 => Societe_Effectif_Moyen = 19
    86 => Societe_TVA_sur_Salaire = 0
    87 => [init] Societe_BIC = xxxx
    88 => [init] Societe_EBAN = yyyy
    89 => Societe_DSN = 1
    90 => [Comportements]
    91 => [init] Etablissement_Nom = RATIBOIZ
    92 => [init] Etablissement_Adresse = Rue des rats bleus 12345 Parici
    93 => [init] Etablissement_Designation = C'est l'établissement 1
    94 => [init] Etablissement_Sirene = 123456789
    95 => [init] Etablissement_Societe = SOC1
    96 => [init] Etablissement_Siret = 12345
    97 => [init] Etablissement_Naf = 1234
    98 => [init] Etablissement_Urssaf = Montreuil
    99 => [init] Etablissement_Cpt_Urssaf = 12345678901234567890
    100 => [init] Etablissement_Convention_Collective = CC des rateliers
    101 => [init] Etablissement_Mention = Dans votre intérêt, nous vous incitons à conserver ce bulletin de paie sans limitation de durée
    102 => PlafondSSUtile = PlafondSSMois
    103 => TxAccTravailToP = 1.5
    104 => TxVersTransportToP = 0.5
    105 => [Comportements]
    106 => [init] Etablissement_Nom = RATIBOIZ
    107 => [init] Etablissement_Adresse = Rue des rats bleus 12345 Parici
    108 => [init] Etablissement_Designation = C'est l'établissement 1
    109 => [init] Etablissement_Sirene = 123456789
    110 => [init] Etablissement_Societe = SOC1
    111 => [init] Etablissement_Siret = 12345
    112 => [init] Etablissement_Naf = 1234
    113 => [init] Etablissement_Urssaf = Montreuil
    114 => [init] Etablissement_Cpt_Urssaf = 12345678901234567890
    115 => [init] Etablissement_Convention_Collective = CC des rateliers
    116 => [init] Etablissement_Mention = Dans votre intérêt, nous vous incitons à conserver ce bulletin de paie sans limitation de durée
    117 => PlafondSSUtile = PlafondSSMois
    118 => TxAccTravailToP = 1.2
    119 => TxVersTransportToP = 0.5
    120 => [Comportements]
    121 => AnneeActuelle = Calendrier_yyyy
    122 => MoisActuel = Calendrier_mm
    123 => NbJoursMoisActuel = Calendrier_duree7
    124 => NbJoursPayesMoisActuel = Persactiv_nbjours
    125 => NbJoursPeriodeMax = Persactiv_nbjoursmax
    126 => PeriodeActuelle = Persactiv_caldebfin
    127 => PeriodeLaPlusLongue = test(NbJoursPeriodeMax = Persactiv_duree7)
    128 => PeriodeMaxPremiere = test(PeriodeActuelle = Persactiv_nbjoursmax1)
    129 => PeriodeMaxDerniere = test(PeriodeActuelle = Persactiv_nbjoursmaxN)
    130 => Prorata7 = Persactiv_duree7 / Calendrier_duree7
    131 => Prorata6 = Persactiv_duree6 / Calendrier_duree6
    132 => Prorata5 = Persactiv_duree5 / Calendrier_duree5
    133 => NbJoursNonPayesMoisActuel = NbJoursMoisActuel - NbJoursPayesMoisActuel
    134 => TrentiemesMoisPresence = min(NbJoursPeriodeMax , 30)
    135 => TrentiemesMoisAbsence = 30 - min(NbJoursNonPayesMoisActuel , 30)
    136 => TrentiemesMois = max(TrentiemesMoisPresence , TrentiemesMoisAbsence)
    137 => CorrectionTrentieme31 = test(NbJoursMoisActuel>30)* test(NbJoursPayesMoisActuel>30) * PeriodeLaPlusLongue * PeriodeMaxPremiere * -1
    138 => CorrectionTrentieme29 = test(NbJoursMoisActuel<30)* test(NbJoursPayesMoisActuel>14) * PeriodeLaPlusLongue * PeriodeMaxPremiere
    139 => CorrectionTrentieme28 = test(NbJoursMoisActuel<29)* test(NbJoursPayesMoisActuel>14) * PeriodeLaPlusLongue * PeriodeMaxPremiere
    140 => DureePeriodeEnTrentieme = Persactiv_duree7 + CorrectionTrentieme31 +  CorrectionTrentieme29 +  CorrectionTrentieme28 + CorrectionTrentiemeSaisie
    141 => Prorata30 = DureePeriodeEnTrentieme / 30
    142 => TxPayeActivite = Persactiv_taux / 100 * Persactiv_tauxpaye / 100
    143 => TxPresenceActivite = Persactiv_taux / 100 * Persactiv_tauxpresence / 100
    144 => TxBudgetActivite = Persactiv_taux / 100 * Persactiv_tauxbudget / 100
    145 => [Comportements]
    146 => TxPayePeriodeProrata7 = Prorata7 * TxPayeActivite
    147 => TxPresencePeriodeProrata7 = Prorata7 * TxPresenceActivite
    148 => TxBudgetPeriodeProrata7 = Prorata7 * TxBudgetActivite
    149 => TxPayePeriodeProrata30 =  Prorata30 * TxPayeActivite
    150 => TxPresencePeriodeProrata30 = Prorata30 * TxPresenceActivite
    151 => TxBudgetPeriodeProrata30 = Prorata30 * TxBudgetActivite
    152 => TxPayePeriodeProrata6 = Prorata6 * TxPayeActivite
    153 => TxPresencePeriodeProrata6 = Prorata6 * TxPresenceActivite
    154 => TxBudgetPeriodeProrata6 = Prorata6 * TxBudgetActivite
    155 => TxPayePeriodeProrata5 = Prorata5 * TxPayeActivite
    156 => TxPresencePeriodeProrata5 = Prorata5 * TxPresenceActivite
    157 => TxBudgetPeriodeProrata5 = Prorata5 * TxBudgetActivite
    158 => [Comportements]
    159 => TauxProtaraPeriode = TxPayePeriodeProrata7
    160 => TauxProtaraTrentiemesPeriode = TxPayePeriodeProrata30
    161 => TauxProtaraActivite = TxPayeActivite
    162 => [Comportements]
    163 => TotalJoursCalendairesPayes = TxPayeActivite * Persactiv_duree7
    164 => TotalJoursOuvrablesPayes = TxPayeActivite * Persactiv_duree6
    165 => TotalJoursOuvresPayes = TxPayeActivite * Persactiv_duree5
    166 => TotalJoursTrentiemesPayes =  TxPayeActivite * DureePeriodeEnTrentieme
    167 => [Comportements]
    168 => PlafondSSProrata7Periode = PlafondSSUtile * TauxProtaraPeriode
    169 => PlafondSSProrata30Periode = PlafondSSUtile * TauxProtaraTrentiemesPeriode
    170 => [Comportements]
    171 => DateduJour= date()
    172 => [init] command = strlen
    173 => LngDateduJour3= evalphp(command, DateduJour)
    174 => AnneeCourante= DateduJour_Y
    175 => LibMoisCourant= evalphp(datetexte, dateFormatM)
    176 => MoisCourant= DateduJour_m
    177 => NbJoursDansLeMois= DateduJour_t
    178 => DernierJourDuMois = date(DateduJour_Y,DateduJour_m,DateduJour_t)
    179 => [Comportements]
    180 => AgePrecis= date(Personne_datenaissance , DateduJour)
    181 => AgeAnnees=AgePrecis_Y
    182 => AgeMois= AgePrecis_nbm
    183 => DateTmp = date()
    184 => DateTmpPlus8jours = date(DateTmp, 0,0,8)
    185 => [Comportements]
    186 => AncGrp = date(Date_Anciennete_Groupe , DernierJourDuMois )
    187 => AncGroupeMois = AncGrp_nbm
    188 => [Comportements]
    189 => PctAnciennete = test( AncGroupeMois > 60 , 5 , AncGroupeMois > 12 , 1 , 0 )
    190 => [Comportements]
    191 => SalaireBaseProrata7 = SalaireBase * TauxProtaraPeriode
    192 => PrimeVacances =  BasePrimeVacances * TauxProtara
    193 => NbHeuresPayees = NbHeuresBase * TauxProtaraPeriode
    194 => SalaireHoraireProrata7 = NbHeuresPayees * SalaireHoraire
    195 => PrimeAnciennete = PctAnciennete * SalaireBaseProrata7 / 100
    196 => TauxHoraireBase = arrondi((SalaireBase+PrimeAnciennete )/NbHeuresBase,2)
    197 => NbHeuresSupp25Prorata7 = NbHeuresSupp25 * TauxProtaraActivite
    198 => HeuresSupp25Prorata7 = NbHeuresSupp25Prorata7 * TauxHoraireBase
    199 => [Comportements]
    200 => TrancheSSTaPeriodeTheorique = min( CumulBrutPeriode , PlafondSSProrata30Periode )
    201 => TrancheSSTbPeriodeTheorique = test( CumulBrutPeriode < PlafondSSProrata30Periode , 0 , CumulBrutPeriode - PlafondSSProrata30Periode )
    202 => PlafondSSProrataAnnee = CumulPlafondSSProrata30Annee
    203 => TrancheSSTaPeriode = min( CumulBrutAnnee , PlafondSSProrataAnnee ) - CumulTrancheSSTaAnnee
    204 => TrancheSSTbPeriode = test( CumulBrutAnnee < PlafondSSProrataAnnee , 0 , CumulBrutAnnee - PlafondSSProrataAnnee ) - CumulTrancheSSTbAnnee
    205 => TrancheSSTabPeriode = TrancheSSTaPeriode + TrancheSSTbPeriode
    206 => RegulTaTb = TrancheSSTaPeriodeTheorique - TrancheSSTaPeriode
    207 => RegulTbTa = - RegulTaTb
    208 => RegulTbTc = TrancheSSTbPeriodeTheorique - TrancheSSTbPeriode - RegulTbTa
    209 => RegulTcTb = - RegulTbTc
    210 => [Comportements]
    211 => PlafondCSG = 4 * PlafondSSProrataAnnee
    212 => BrutCSGExonerable = CumulBrutAnnee - CumulBrutCSGNonExoAnnee
    213 => BrutCSGExonere = min( BrutCSGExonerable , PlafondCSG )
    214 => BrutCSGNonExonere = CumulBrutAnnee - BrutCSGExonere
    215 => TxNonAbattementCSG = 100 - TxAbattementCSG
    216 => BrutCSGPeriode = BrutCSGExonere * TxNonAbattementCSG / 100 + BrutCSGNonExonere - CumulBrutCSGAnnee
    217 => [Comportements]
    218 => CotiSSMaladieToS = - CumulBrutPeriode * TxSSMaladieToS / 100
    219 => CotiSSMaladieToP = - CumulBrutPeriode * TxSSMaladieToP / 100
    220 => CotiSSAllocFamilialesToP = - CumulBrutPeriode * TxSSAllocFamilialesToP / 100
    221 => CotiSSVieillesseToS = - CumulBrutPeriode * TxSSVieillesseToS / 100
    222 => CotiSSVieillesseToP = - CumulBrutPeriode * TxSSVieillesseToP / 100
    223 => CotiSSVieillesseTAS = - TrancheSSTaPeriode * TxSSVieillesseTAS / 100
    224 => CotiSSVieillesseTAP = - TrancheSSTaPeriode * TxSSVieillesseTAP / 100
    225 => CotiFnalToP = - CumulBrutPeriode * TxFnalToP / 100
    226 => CotiSolidariteToP = - CumulBrutPeriode * TxSolidariteToP / 100
    227 => CotiAccTravailToP = - CumulBrutPeriode * TxAccTravailToP / 100
    228 => CotiVersTransportToP = - CumulBrutPeriode * TxVersTransportToP / 100
    229 => CotiCSGDeductible = - BrutCSGPeriode * TxCSGDeductible / 100
    230 => CotiCSGNonDeductible = - BrutCSGPeriode * TxCSGNonDeductible / 100
    231 => CotiCRDS = - BrutCSGPeriode * TxCRDS / 100
    232 => CotiChomageTabS = - TrancheSSTabPeriode * TxChomageTabS / 100
    233 => CotiChomageTabP = - TrancheSSTabPeriode * TxChomageTabP / 100
    234 => CotiAGSTabP = - TrancheSSTabPeriode * TxAGSTabP / 100
    235 => [Comportements]
    236 => CotiArrcoCadT1S = - TrancheSSTaPeriode * TxArrcoCadT1S / 100
    237 => CotiArrcoCadT1P = - TrancheSSTaPeriode * TxArrcoCadT1P / 100
    238 => CotiAgircCadTbS = - TrancheSSTbPeriode * TxAgircCadTbS / 100
    239 => CotiAgircCadTbP = - TrancheSSTbPeriode * TxAgircCadTbS / 100
    240 => CotiAgircCadTcS = - TrancheSSTcPeriode * TxAgircCadTcS / 100
    241 => CotiAgircCadTcP = - TrancheSSTcPeriode * TxAgircCadTcP / 100
    242 => CotiCetCadT1S = - TrancheSSTaPeriode * TxCetCadT1S / 100
    243 => CotiCetCadT1P = - TrancheSSTaPeriode * TxCetCadT1P / 100
    244 => CotiCetCadTbS = - TrancheSSTbPeriode * TxCetCadTbS / 100
    245 => CotiCetCadTbP = - TrancheSSTbPeriode * TxCetCadTbP / 100
    246 => CotiCetCadTcS = - TrancheSSTcPeriode * TxCetCadTcS / 100
    247 => CotiCetCadTcP = - TrancheSSTcPeriode * TxCetCadTcP / 100
    248 => CotiAgffCadT1S = - TrancheSSTaPeriode * TxAgffCadT1S / 100
    249 => CotiAgffCadT1P = - TrancheSSTaPeriode * TxAgffCadT1P / 100
    250 => CotiAgffCadTbS = - TrancheSSTbPeriode * TxAgffCadTbS / 100
    251 => CotiAgffCadTbP = - TrancheSSTbPeriode * TxAgffCadTbP / 100
    252 => CotiApecCadToS = - CumulBrutPeriode * TxApecCadToS / 100
    253 => CotiApecCadToP = - CumulBrutPeriode * TxApecCadToP / 100
    254 => [Comportements]
    255 => TxPrevoyanceTaS = 0.46
    256 => TxPrevoyanceTaP = 0.28
    257 => TxPrevoyanceTbS = 0.70
    258 => TxPrevoyanceTbP = 0.43
    259 => TxPrevoyanceTcS = 0.70
    260 => TxPrevoyanceTcP = 0.43
    261 => [Comportements]
    262 => TxDecesIncapCadTaS = 0.93
    263 => TxDecesIncapCadTaP = 0.50
    264 => TxDecesIncapCadTbS = 0.70
    265 => TxDecesIncapCadTbP = 0.43
    266 => TxDecesIncapCadTcS = 0.70
    267 => TxDecesIncapCadTcP = 0.43
    268 => [Comportements]
    269 => CotiPrevoyanceTaS = - TrancheSSTaPeriode * TxPrevoyanceTaS / 100
    270 => CotiPrevoyanceTaP = - TrancheSSTaPeriode * TxPrevoyanceTaP / 100
    271 => CotiPrevoyanceTbS = - TrancheSSTbPeriode * TxPrevoyanceTbS / 100
    272 => CotiPrevoyanceTbP = - TrancheSSTbPeriode * TxPrevoyanceTbS / 100
    273 => CotiPrevoyanceTcS = - TrancheSSTcPeriode * TxPrevoyanceTcS / 100
    274 => CotiPrevoyanceTcP = - TrancheSSTcPeriode * TxPrevoyanceTcP / 100
    275 => [Comportements]
    276 => CotiDecesIncapCadTaS = - TrancheSSTaPeriode * TxDecesIncapCadTaS / 100
    277 => CotiDecesIncapCadTaP = - TrancheSSTaPeriode * TxDecesIncapCadTaP / 100
    278 => CotiDecesIncapCadTbS = - TrancheSSTbPeriode * TxDecesIncapCadTbS / 100
    279 => CotiDecesIncapCadTbP = - TrancheSSTbPeriode * TxDecesIncapCadTbS / 100
    280 => CotiDecesIncapCadTcS = - TrancheSSTcPeriode * TxDecesIncapCadTcS / 100
    281 => CotiDecesIncapCadTcP = - TrancheSSTcPeriode * TxDecesIncapCadTcP / 100
    282 => [Comportements]
    283 => CotiForfaitSocialP = - CumulForfaitSocialPeriode * TxForfaitSocialP / 100
    284 => [Comportements]
    285 => CotiApprentissageToP = - CumulBrutPeriode * TxApprentissageToP / 100
    286 => CotiConstructionLogementToP = - CumulBrutPeriode * TxConstructionLogementToP / 100
    287 => CotiFormationToP = - CumulBrutPeriode * TxFormationToP / 100
    288 => [Comportements]
Input Sequence
    0] =>
    Calendrier_client => DEMO
    Calendrier_code => Standard
    Calendrier_yyyymm => 201505
    Calendrier_description => Mai 2015
    Calendrier_yyyy => 2015
    Calendrier_mm => 5
    Calendrier_libmmyyyy => Mai 2015
    Calendrier_libmm => Mai
    Calendrier_datdeb => 2015-05-01
    Calendrier_datfin => 2015-05-31
    Calendrier_numjour => 121
    Calendrier_duree7 => 31
    Calendrier_duree6 => 22
    Calendrier_duree5 => 17
    Calendrier_joufer => 4
    Calendrier_tscreation => 2015-01-01 00:00:00
    Calendrier_idusercreation => 2
    Calendrier_caldeb => 2015-05-01
    Calendrier_calfin => 2015-05-31
    Calendrier_Count => 1
    Personne_persid => PAY001
    Personne_client => DEMO
    Personne_nomusuel => LEBLANC
    Personne_prenom => Olivier
    Personne_sexe => M
    Personne_civilite => M
    Personne_datenaissance => 1986-05-05
    Personne_paysnaissance => FR
    Personne_Count => 1
    Persactiv_datdeb => 2014-04-23
    Persactiv_numord => 1
    Persactiv_taux => 100
    Persactiv_datfin => 2021-01-12
    Persactiv_entitelegale => SOC1
    Persactiv_affectlegal => ETABL1
    Persactiv_affectgeog => SITE1
    Persactiv_affectanalytique => COMPTA1
    Persactiv_emploi => EMPL1
    Persactiv_titre => Accentué utf-8
    Persactiv_poste => POSTE1
    Persactiv_contrat => CDI
    Persactiv_contrat2 => RECRUT
    Persactiv_calendrier => Standard
    Persactiv_cycle => 100
    Persactiv_regime1 => AATAM
    Persactiv_regime2 => riri
    Persactiv_regime3 => CAD
    Persactiv_regime4 => 100
    Persactiv_tauxpartiel => 151.67
    Persactiv_tauxpresence => 100
    Persactiv_tauxpaye => 100
    Persactiv_tauxbudget => 100
    Persactiv_plan => CDI_fr_cad_Malakoff
    Persactiv_caldeb => 2015-05-01
    Persactiv_calfin => 2015-05-31
    Persactiv_caldebfin => 2015-05-01 2015-05-31
    Persactiv__original => simple
    Persactiv__first => 1
    Persactiv__last => 1
    Persactiv_nbjours => 31
    Persactiv_nbjoursmax => 31
    Persactiv_nbjoursmax1 => 2015-05-01 2015-05-31
    Persactiv_nbjoursmaxN => 2015-05-01 2015-05-31
    Persactiv_duree7 => 31
    Persactiv_duree6 => 22
    Persactiv_duree5 => 17
    Persactiv_joufer => 4
    Persactiv_Count => 1
    Persnum_Anciennete_datdeb => 2015-04-17
    Persnum_Anciennete_num01 => -1.12
    Persnum_Anciennete_num02 => -1.123
    Persnum_Anciennete_num03 => 1.12
    Persnum_Anciennete_num04 => 3.457
    Persnum_Anciennete_caldeb => 2015-05-01
    Persnum_Anciennete_calfin => 2015-05-31
    Persnum_Anciennete_date01 => 2014-04-24
    Persnum_Anciennete_date02 => 2004-04-12
    Persnum_Salaire_datdeb => 2013-01-01
    Persnum_Salaire_datfin => 2015-12-31
    Persnum_Salaire_num01 => 3000
    Persnum_Salaire_caldeb => 2015-05-01
    Persnum_Salaire_calfin => 2015-05-31
    Persnum_Count => 7
    Perssepa_typecpt => SEPA
    Perssepa_datdeb => 2013-01-01
    Perssepa_eban => FR7611111222223333333333344
    Perssepa_bic => AAADDFFRRDE
    Perssepa_caldeb => 2015-05-01
    Perssepa_calfin => 2015-05-31
    Perssepa_Count => 1
    Persadresse_typeadr => Domicile
    Persadresse_datdeb => 2014-01-01
    Persadresse_voie => Rue des mosaïques
    Persadresse_codepostal => 22310
    Persadresse_localite => Plestin-les-Grèves
    Persadresse_codepays => FR
    Persadresse_caldeb => 2015-05-01
    Persadresse_calfin => 2015-05-31
    Persadresse_Count => 2
    SalaireBase => 3000
    NbHeuresBase => 151.67
    Date_Anciennete_Groupe => 2014-04-24
    Date_Anciennete_Societe => 2004-04-12
    Statut_categoriel => AATAM
    Statut_retraite => CAD
    Statut_urssaf => 100
    HoraireMensuel => 151.67
    SmicHoraire => 9.61
    SmicHoraireMoins18 => 8.65
    SmicHoraireMoins17 => 7.69
    MinimumGaranti => 3.52
    PlafondSSAnnee => 38040
    PlafondSSTrimestrel => 9510
    PlafondSSMois => 3170
    PlafondSSQuinzaine => 1585
    PlafondSSSemaine => 732
    PlafondSSJour => 174
    PlafondSSHeure => 24
    TxSSMaladieToS => 0.75
    TxSSMaladieToP => 12.8
    TxSSAllocFamilialesToP => 5.25
    TxSSVieillesseToS => 0.25
    TxSSVieillesseToP => 1.75
    TxSSVieillesseTAS => 6.8
    TxSSVieillesseTAP => 8.45
    TxFnalToP => 0.5
    TxSolidariteToP => 0.3
    TxForfaitSocialP => 20
    TxCSGDeductible => 5.1
    TxCSGNonDeductible => 2.4
    TxCRDS => 0.5
    TxAbattementCSG => 1.75
    TxChomageTabS => 2.4
    TxChomageTabP => 4
    TxAGSTabP => 0.3
    TxApprentissageToP => 0.68
    TxConstructionLogementToP => 0.45
    TxFormationToP => 1.6
    TxArrcoCadT1S => 4.48
    TxArrcoCadT1P => 3.05
    TxAgircCadTbS => 12.68
    TxAgircCadTbP => 7.75
    TxAgircCadTcS => 12.68
    TxAgircCadTcP => 7.75
    TxCetCadT1S => 0.22
    TxCetCadT1P => 0.13
    TxCetCadTbS => 0.22
    TxCetCadTbP => 0.13
    TxCetCadTcS => 0.22
    TxCetCadTcP => 0.13
    TxAgffCadT1S => 1.2
    TxAgffCadT1P => 0.8
    TxAgffCadTbS => 1.3
    TxAgffCadTbP => 0.9
    TxApecCadToS => 0.036
    TxApecCadToP => 0.024
    TxGmpCotiForfaitaire => 66.34
    GmpSalaireCharniere => 1361.16
    Societe_Nom => RATIBOIZ
    Societe_Adresse => Rue des rats bleus 12345 Parici
    Societe_Designation => C'est la société 1
    Societe_Sirene => 123456789
    Societe_Effectif_Moyen => 19
    Societe_BIC => xxxx
    Societe_EBAN => yyyy
    Societe_DSN => 1
    Etablissement_Nom => RATIBOIZ
    Etablissement_Adresse => Rue des rats bleus 12345 Parici
    Etablissement_Designation => C'est l'établissement 1
    Etablissement_Sirene => 123456789
    Etablissement_Societe => SOC1
    Etablissement_Siret => 12345
    Etablissement_Naf => 1234
    Etablissement_Urssaf => Montreuil
    Etablissement_Cpt_Urssaf => 12345678901234567890
    Etablissement_Convention_Collective => CC des rateliers
    Etablissement_Mention => Dans votre intérêt, nous vous incitons à conserver ce bulletin de paie sans limitation de durée
    PlafondSSUtile => 3170
    TxAccTravailToP => 1.2
    TxVersTransportToP => 0.5
    AnneeActuelle => 2015
    MoisActuel => 5
    NbJoursMoisActuel => 31
    NbJoursPayesMoisActuel => 31
    NbJoursPeriodeMax => 31
    PeriodeActuelle => 2015-05-01 2015-05-31
    PeriodeLaPlusLongue => 1
    PeriodeMaxPremiere => 1
    PeriodeMaxDerniere => 1
    Prorata7 => 1
    Prorata6 => 1
    Prorata5 => 1
    TrentiemesMoisPresence => 30
    TrentiemesMoisAbsence => 30
    TrentiemesMois => 30
    CorrectionTrentieme31 => -1
    DureePeriodeEnTrentieme => 30
    Prorata30 => 1
    TxPayeActivite => 1
    TxPresenceActivite => 1
    TxBudgetActivite => 1
    TxPayePeriodeProrata7 => 1
    TxPresencePeriodeProrata7 => 1
    TxBudgetPeriodeProrata7 => 1
    TxPayePeriodeProrata30 => 1
    TxPresencePeriodeProrata30 => 1
    TxBudgetPeriodeProrata30 => 1
    TauxProtaraPeriode => 1
    TauxProtaraTrentiemesPeriode => 1
    TauxProtaraActivite => 1
    TotalJoursCalendairesPayes => 31
    TotalJoursOuvrablesPayes => 22
    TotalJoursOuvresPayes => 17
    TotalJoursTrentiemesPayes => 30
    PlafondSSProrata7Periode => 3170
    PlafondSSProrata30Periode => 3170
    DateduJour => 2016-11-05
    command => strlen
    LngDateduJour3 => *** erreur : fonction non autorisee ***
    DateduJour_Y => 2016
    AnneeCourante => 2016
    LibMoisCourant => *** erreur : fonction non autorisee ***
    DateduJour_m => 11
    MoisCourant => 11
    DateduJour_t => 30
    NbJoursDansLeMois => 30
    DernierJourDuMois => 2016-11-30
    AgePrecis_Ymd1 => 1986-05-05
    AgePrecis_Ymd2 => 2016-11-05
    AgePrecis_Y => 30
    AgeAnnees => 30
    AgePrecis_nbm => 366
    AgeMois => 366
    DateTmp => 2016-11-05
    DateTmpPlus8jours => 2016-11-13
    AncGrp_Ymd1 => 2014-04-24
    AncGrp_Ymd2 => 2016-11-30
    AncGrp_nbm => 31
    AncGroupeMois => 31
    PctAnciennete => 1
    SalaireBaseProrata7 => 3000
    NbHeuresPayees => 151.67
    PrimeAnciennete => 30
    TauxHoraireBase => 19.98
    TrancheSSTaPeriodeTheorique => 3030
    PlafondSSProrataAnnee => 3170
    TrancheSSTaPeriode => 3030
    TrancheSSTabPeriode => 3030
    PlafondCSG => 12680
    BrutCSGExonerable => 3030
    BrutCSGExonere => 3030
    TxNonAbattementCSG => 98.25
    BrutCSGPeriode => 2976.98
    CotiSSMaladieToS => -22.73
    CotiSSMaladieToP => -387.84
    CotiSSAllocFamilialesToP => -159.08
    CotiSSVieillesseToS => -7.58
    CotiSSVieillesseToP => -53.03
    CotiSSVieillesseTAS => -206.04
    CotiSSVieillesseTAP => -256.04
    CotiFnalToP => -15.15
    CotiSolidariteToP => -9.09
    CotiAccTravailToP => -36.36
    CotiVersTransportToP => -15.15
    CotiCSGDeductible => -151.83
    CotiCSGNonDeductible => -71.45
    CotiCRDS => -14.88
    CotiChomageTabS => -72.72
    CotiChomageTabP => -121.2
    CotiAGSTabP => -9.09
    CotiArrcoCadT1S => -135.74
    CotiArrcoCadT1P => -92.42
    CotiCetCadT1S => -6.67
    CotiCetCadT1P => -3.94
    CotiAgffCadT1S => -36.36
    CotiAgffCadT1P => -24.24
    CotiApecCadToS => -1.09
    CotiApecCadToP => -0.73
    TxPrevoyanceTaS => 0.46
    TxPrevoyanceTaP => 0.28
    TxPrevoyanceTbS => 0.7
    TxPrevoyanceTbP => 0.43
    TxPrevoyanceTcS => 0.7
    TxPrevoyanceTcP => 0.43
    TxDecesIncapCadTaS => 0.93
    TxDecesIncapCadTaP => 0.5
    TxDecesIncapCadTbS => 0.7
    TxDecesIncapCadTbP => 0.43
    TxDecesIncapCadTcS => 0.7
    TxDecesIncapCadTcP => 0.43
    CotiPrevoyanceTaS => -13.94
    CotiPrevoyanceTaP => -8.48
    CotiDecesIncapCadTaS => -28.18
    CotiDecesIncapCadTaP => -15.15
    CotiForfaitSocialP => -4.73
    CotiApprentissageToP => -20.6
    CotiConstructionLogementToP => -13.64
    CotiFormationToP => -48.48
    NombreDePeriodesCalculees => 1
    CumulJoursCalendairesPayesMois => 31
    CumulJoursTrentiemesPayesMois => 30
    CumulPlafondSSProrata7Periode => 3170
    CumulPlafondSSProrata30Periode => 3170
    CumulPlafondSSProrata7Mois => 3170
    CumulPlafondSSProrata30Mois => 3170
    CumulPlafondSSProrata7Annee => 3170
    CumulPlafondSSProrata30Annee => 3170
    CumulHeuresPayeesMois => 151.67
    CumulBrutPeriode => 3030
    CumulBrutMois => 3030
    CumulBrutAnnee => 3030
    CumulTrancheSSTaMois => 3030
    CumulTrancheSSTaAnnee => 3030
    CumulBrutCSGPeriode => 2976.98
    CumulBrutCSGMois => 2976.98
    CumulBrutCSGAnnee => 2976.98
    CumulCotiSSSalPeriode => -547.23
    CumulCotiSSSalMois => -547.23
    CumulCotiSSSalAnnee => -547.23
    CumulCotiRetraiteSalPeriode => -179.86
    CumulCotiRetraitePatPeriode => -121.33
    CumulCotiRetraiteSalMois => -179.86
    CumulCotiRetraitePatMois => -121.33
    OrganismeRetraitePeriode => -301.19
    CumulCotiRetraiteSalAnnee => -179.86
    CumulCotiRetraitePatAnnee => -121.33
    OrganismeRetraiteMois => -301.19
    OrganismeRetraiteAnnee => -301.19
    CumulCotiPrevoyanceSalPeriode => -42.12
    CumulCotiPrevoyancePatPeriode => -23.63
    CumulCotiPrevoyanceSalMois => -42.12
    CumulCotiSalPeriode => -769.21
    CumulNetPayerPeriode => 2260.79
    CumulCotiPrevoyancePatMois => -23.63
    OrganismePrevoyancePeriode => -65.75
    CumulCotiPrevoyanceSalAnnee => -42.12
    CumulCotiSalMois => -769.21
    CumulNetFiscalPeriode => 2332.24
    CumulNetPayerMois => 2260.79
    CumulCotiPrevoyancePatAnnee => -23.63
    CumulForfaitSocialPeriode => 23.63
    OrganismePrevoyanceMois => -65.75
    CumulCotiSalAnnee => -769.21
    CumulNetFiscalMois => 2332.24
    CumulNetPayerAnnee => 2260.79
    OrganismePrevoyanceAnnee => -65.75
    CumulNetFiscalAnnee => 2332.24
    CumulCotiSSPatPeriode => -1066.76
    CumulCotiSSPatMois => -1066.76
    OrganismeSSPeriode => -1613.99
    CumulCotiSSPatAnnee => -1066.76
    OrganismeSSMois => -1613.99
    OrganismeSSAnnee => -1613.99
    CumulTaxesPeriode => -82.72
    OrganismesPeriode => -2063.65
    CumulCotiPatPeriode => -1294.44
    CumulTaxesMois => -82.72
    CoutTotalPeriode => 4324.44
    OrganismesMois => -2063.65
    CumulCotiPatMois => -1294.44
    CumulTaxesAnnee => -82.72
    CoutTotalMois => 4324.44
    OrganismesAnnee => -2063.65
    CumulCotiPatAnnee => -1294.44
    CoutTotalAnnee => 4324.44